
hashivault_token_renew - Hashicorp Vault token renew module

New in version 3.11.0.


  • Module to renew tokens in Hashicorp Vault.


Parameter Choices/Defaults Comments
authtype Default:
authentication type to use: token, userpass, github, ldap, approle
ca_cert Default:
to environment variable VAULT_CACERT
path to a PEM-encoded CA cert file to use to verify the Vault server TLS certificate
ca_path Default:
to environment variable VAULT_CAPATH
path to a directory of PEM-encoded CA cert files to verify the Vault server TLS certificate : if ca_cert is specified, its value will take precedence
client_cert Default:
to environment variable VAULT_CLIENT_CERT
path to a PEM-encoded client certificate for TLS authentication to the Vault server
client_key Default:
to environment variable VAULT_CLIENT_KEY
path to an unencrypted PEM-encoded private key matching the client certificate
Request a specific increment for renewal. Vault is not required to honor this request. If not supplied, Vault will use the default TTL.
password Default:
to environment variable VAULT_PASSWORD
password to login to vault.
renew_token Default:
to authentication token
token to renew if different from auth token
token Default:
to environment variable VAULT_TOKEN
token for vault
url Default:
to environment variable VAULT_ADDR
url for vault
username Default:
to environment variable VAULT_USER
username to login to vault.
verify Default:
to environment variable VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY
if set, do not verify presented TLS certificate before communicating with Vault server : setting this variable is not recommended except during testing
Indicates that the response should be wrapped in a cubbyhole token with the requested TTL.


- hosts: localhost
    - name: "Renew token"
        renew_token: "{{client_token}}"
        increment: "5m"
      register: "vault_token_renew"





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