
Contributing your module to Ansible

If you want to contribute a module to Ansible, you must meet our objective and subjective requirements. Modules accepted into the main project repo ship with every Ansible installation. However, contributing to the main project isn’t the only way to distribute a module - you can embed modules in roles on Galaxy or simply share copies of your module code for local use.

Contributing to Ansible: objective requirements

To contribute a module to Ansible, you must:

  • write your module in either Python or Powershell for Windows
  • use the AnsibleModule common code
  • support Python 2.7 and Python 3.5 - if your module cannot support Python 2.7, explain the required minimum Python version and rationale in the requirements section in DOCUMENTATION
  • use proper Python 3 syntax
  • follow PEP 8 Python style conventions - see PEP 8 for more information
  • license your module under the GPL license (GPLv3 or later)
  • understand the license agreement, which applies to all contributions
  • conform to Ansible’s formatting and documentation standards
  • include comprehensive tests for your module
  • minimize module dependencies
  • support check_mode if possible
  • ensure your code is readable

Please make sure your module meets these requirements before you submit your PR/proposal. If you have questions, reach out via Ansible’s IRC chat channel or the Ansible development mailing list.

Contributing to Ansible: subjective requirements

If your module meets our objective requirements, we’ll review your code to see if we think it’s clear, concise, secure, and maintainable. We’ll consider whether your module provides a good user experience, helpful error messages, reasonable defaults, and more. This process is subjective, and we can’t list exact standards for acceptance. For the best chance of getting your module accepted into the Ansible repo, follow our tips for module development.

Windows modules checklist

For a checklist and details on how to write Windows modules please see Windows module development walkthrough