

Python program to help test or validate Ansible modules.

validate-modules is one of the ansible-test Sanity Tests, see Sanity Tests for more information.

Originally developed by Matt Martz (@sivel)


cd /path/to/ansible/source
source hacking/env-setup
ansible-test sanity --test validate-modules


usage: validate-modules [-h] [-w] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--arg-spec]
                        [--base-branch BASE_BRANCH] [--format {json,plain}]
                        [--output OUTPUT]
                        modules [modules ...]

positional arguments:
  modules               Path to module or module directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w, --warnings        Show warnings
  --exclude EXCLUDE     RegEx exclusion pattern
  --arg-spec            Analyze module argument spec
  --base-branch BASE_BRANCH
                        Used in determining if new options were added
  --format {json,plain}
                        Output format. Default: "plain"
  --output OUTPUT       Output location, use "-" for stdout. Default "-"

Extending validate-modules

The validate-modules tool has a that is used to validate the YAML blocks, such as DOCUMENTATION and RETURNS.



code sample message
1xx Locations
101 Interpreter line is not #!/usr/bin/python
102 Interpreter line is not #!powershell
103 Did not find a call to main() (or removed_module() in the case of deprecated & docs only modules)
104 Call to main() not the last line (or removed_module() in the case of deprecated & docs only modules)
105 GPLv3 license header not found
106 Import found before documentation variables. All imports must appear below DOCUMENTATION/EXAMPLES/RETURN/ANSIBLE_METADATA
108 GPLv3 license header should be the short form for new modules
109 Next to last line is not if __name__ == "__main__":
2xx Imports
201 Did not find a module_utils import
203 requests import found, should use ansible.module_utils.urls instead
204 boto import found, new modules should use boto3
205 sys.exit() call found. Should be exit_json/fail_json
206 WANT_JSON not found in module
207 REPLACER_WINDOWS not found in module
208 module_utils imports should import specific components, not *
209 Only the following from __future__ imports are allowed: absolute_import, division, and print_function.
210 subprocess.Popen used instead of module.run_command
211 used instead of module.run_command
3xx Documentation
301 No DOCUMENTATION provided
302 DOCUMENTATION is not valid YAML
303 DOCUMENTATION fragment missing
304 Unknown DOCUMENTATION error
305 Invalid DOCUMENTATION schema
306 Module level version_added is not a valid version number
307 Module level version_added is incorrect
308 version_added for new option is not a valid version number
309 version_added for new option is incorrect
310 No EXAMPLES provided
311 EXAMPLES is not valid YAML
312 No RETURN documentation provided
313 RETURN is not valid YAML
314 No ANSIBLE_METADATA provided
315 ANSIBLE_METADATA was not provided as a dict, YAML not supported
316 Invalid ANSIBLE_METADATA schema
317 option is marked as required but specifies a default. Arguments with a default should not be marked as required
318 Module marked as deprecated or removed in at least one of the filename, its metadata, or in DOCUMENTATION (setting DOCUMENTATION.deprecated for deprecation or removing all documentation for removed) but not in all three places.
319 RETURN fragments missing or invalid
320 DOCUMENTATION.options must be a dictionary/hash when used
321 Exception attempting to import module for argument_spec introspection
322 argument is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module
323 argument is listed in DOCUMENTATION.options, but not accepted by the module
324 Value for “default” from the argument_spec does not match the documentation
325 argument_spec defines type=”bool” but documentation does not
326 Value for “choices” from the argument_spec does not match the documentation
327 Default value from the documentation is not compatible with type defined in the argument_spec
328 Choices value from the documentation is not compatible with type defined in the argument_spec
329 Default value from the argument_spec is not compatible with type defined in the argument_spec
330 Choices value from the argument_spec is not compatible with type defined in the argument_spec
331 argument in argument_spec must be a dictionary/hash when used
332 AnsibleModule schema validation error
333 ANSIBLE_METADATA.status of deprecated or removed can’t include other statuses
334 ANSIBLE_METADATA cannot be changed in a point release for a stable branch
4xx Syntax
401 Python SyntaxError while parsing module
403 Type comparison using type() found. Use isinstance() instead
5xx Naming
501 Official Ansible modules must have a .py extension for python modules or a .ps1 for powershell modules
502 Ansible module subdirectories must contain an
503 Missing python documentation file


code sample message
1xx Locations
107 Imports should be directly below DOCUMENTATION/EXAMPLES/RETURN/ANSIBLE_METADATA for legacy modules
2xx Imports
208 module_utils imports should import specific components for legacy module, not *
291 Try/Except HAS_ expression missing
292 Did not find ansible.module_utils.basic import
3xx Documentation
312 No RETURN documentation provided for legacy module
391 Unknown pre-existing DOCUMENTATION error
392 Pre-existing DOCUMENTATION fragment missing